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zielona kropkaFrom Cracow to Przemyśl

This trip we made in august in 1992. It was first so long trip for us: Krzysiek (aka Bzowa), Tadek (aka Ta-Sta) and I Łukasz (aka Bankrut). In evry day we visited some monuments, old churches, fortress, castles and some nature curiosity. our route in general.

First day ca. 72 km
Kraków(0)-Proszowice(24)-Kazimierza Wlk.(41)-Wiślica(72) Map: 42 kB

WIŚLICA- a gothic collegiate church from XIV century., ruin of romanesque church, gothic bell tower fromz XVI c. (very interesting); gothic Długosz house from XV c. (I did't remember if I saw it); romanesque church's foundation from X-XII c. There is also a archeological museum with exhibits of the environs of Wiślicy, but when we were there, it was closed. One kilometer from Wiślca center there is a ruin of a medieval castle. We slept in a camping in Wiślca, nearby Nida river. I'm not sure if this camping still exist. This is very nice region.

Second day ca. 124 km
Wiślica(0)-Nw.Korczyn(13)-Pacanów(34)-Połaniec(55)-Świniary Stare- Baranów Sandomierski(93) -Tarnobrzeg(109)- Stale-Żupawa-Furmany-Trześń-Sandomierz(124) Mapa: 65 kB

BARANÓW SANDOMIERSKI-a suberb castle from XVI-XVII c. with corner towers and arcade courtyard. Insie there is a geological museum especialy about sulphur mine. Is it worth to go indside? I don't know because when we were there in the caste there was a V.I.P. meeting. The arcade courtyard and a great garden, with two fountains, oneself is worth visiting. If You are nearby Baranów Sandomierski - go to visit it! Today we slept in Sandomierz, ia a Tadeusz family's garden next to Main Square.

Third day

Today is a rest day. We see the monument in Sandomierz: Main Square with renewal city hall and houses from XVI-XIX c.; Dominican monastery, romanesque St. Jacob church from XIII c. made of bricks (in Europe there is only one more romanesque church made of bricks), a gothic cathedral from XIV c., rebuild in baroque; a castle from XV c.- unfortunately there is only west wing maintainded; and many more interesting monuments. The underground tourist-route is very, very interesting. Also the loess ravines in Sandomierz are highly interesting. We drinked coca-cola eaten ice-cream. Yesterday we travel more then 120 km and our ass need some rest.

Page was build in Polish 13-04-1999
Page was build in English 10-02-2004

Last modified: 11.07.2024, 21:00:28 CEST
